Munga- Red Coral: Gemstone of Mars or Mangal
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Hi Friends,
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Munga- Red Coral: Gemstone of Mars or Mangal
Red coral is the gemstone for Mars. Red coral should be worn by person in whose birth chart Mars is lord of an auspicious house. If Mars is well placed and is strong, wearing of Red coral will enhance the quantum of beneficial effects. If Mars as a lord of an auspicious house is afflicted, wearing of Red coral will neutralize the consequent evil effects and will afford protection to the native from them.
Suitability of Red coral or Munga according to Ascendant or Lagna:
For the Aries Ascendant – Mesha Lagna
Mars is lord of the Ascendant and the 8th house. His lordship of the Ascendant will prevail over the lordship of the 8th. Therefore, it will be very beneficial for the natives of this Ascendant to wear red coral for the whole of their life. This will ensure long life, good health, name and fame, respect and all comforts of life.
For the Taurus Ascendant – Vrisha Lagna
Mars is lord of the 7th and 12th houses. The 12th house is an inauspicious house and the 7th is a maraka sthana (house of death). The natives of this Ascendant should as far as possible, avoid wearing red coral.
For the Gemini Ascendant – Mithun Lagna
Mars is lord of the 6th and 11th houses. If Mars is in his won sign in the 6th or 11th, red coral may be worn in the major periods of Mars. As Mercury the lord of this Ascendant, is an enemy of Mars, natives of this Ascendant are advised to avoid red coral as far as possible.
For the Cancer Ascendant – Kark Lagna
Mars is lord of the 5th (a trine) and the 10th (a quadrant). He is, therefore, a yoga karaka planet for this Ascendant. If red coral is worn always by the natives of this Ascendant, they will be blessed with children, become very intelligent, get respect, name and fame and recognition from government and achieve, great success in their professional sphere. The quantum of beneficial results will be more pronounced in the major period of Mars. If red coral is worn along with pearl, the gemstone of the lord of this Ascendant, the native will get more fruitful results.
For the Leo Ascendant – Sinha Lagna
also Mars is yoga karaka planet as he is the lord of the 4th (quadrant) and the 9th (trine). By wearing red coral. the native of this Ascendant will get peace of mind, domestic happiness, acquire land and house property, have gains of wealth, achieve success in all his ventures, be blessed with good fortune and his mother and father will enjoy good health and long life. The quantum of beneficial results will be more pronounced in the major period of Mars. The beneficial effects will be enhanced if red coral is worn along with ruby, the gem stone of the lord of this Ascendant. .
For the Virgo Ascendant – Kanya Lagna
Mars is lord of the 3rd and 8th house-both being inauspicious. The native of this Ascendant should, as far as possible, avoid wearing red coral. For the Libra Ascendant Mars is lord of the 2nd and 7th both maraka sthana(house of death). Venus the lord of this Ascendant is not a friend of Mars. We would advise that natives of this Ascendant should avoid wearing red coral. However, if the major period does not come in old age and the birth chart does not show short longevity, the person concerned can wear red coral In the major period of Mars when he is in his own sign. Generally, we are averse to recommend gem stones related to the lords of maraka sthana who are not friends of the lord of the Ascendant.
For the Scorpio Ascendant – Vrishchika Lagna
Mars is lord of the Ascendant and the 6th house. The remarks made by us about the wearing of the red coral by the natives of the Aries Ascendant would apply to this Ascendant also.
For the Sagittarius Ascendant – Dhanu Lagna
Mars is lord of the 5th (a trine) and the 12th. Being lord of a trine Mars has been considered as a functional benefic for this Ascendant. By wearing red coral the natives of this Ascendant will enjoy happiness of children, become more intelligent, achieve name and fame and will be blessed with good fortune. If the native is a student, he would achieve success in competitive examinations. The quantum of beneficial effects will be more pronounced in the major period of Mars. Wearing a yellow sapphire with red coral would enhance the beneficial effects.
For the Capricorn Ascendant – Makar Lagna
Mars is lord of the 4th and 11 th houses. If red coral is worn in the major period of Mars, the native gets happiness from the side of mother, domestic harmony, gains of land, house property and wealth.
For the Aquarius Ascendant – Kumbh Lagna
Mars is lord of the 3rd and 10th houses. If Mars is in his own, sign in the 10th wearing of red coral in the major periods of Mars brings favors and recognition from government, gains of wealth and success in the professional sphere. The native will also enjoy full benefits of the Ruchaka Yoga, one of the Panch mahapurusha Yogas. If Mars is not in his own, sign in the 3rd or the 10th, it will not be advisable for the native of this Ascendant to wear red coral.
For the Pisces Ascendant – Meena Lagna
Mars being lord of the 2nd (house of wealth) and 9th (house of Bhagya-good fortune), wearing of red coral by the natives of this Ascendant will yield very beneficial results. The quantum of favourable results will be more pronounced in the major period of Mars. It will be more advantageous if red coral is worn along with yellow sapphire, the gemstone of the lord of this Ascendant.
Red coral should be worn in a gold mixed with copper ring in the ring finger of the right hand on the morning of a Tuesday of Shukla Paksha (bright half of the lunar month) after performing the usual rituals. The stone should be of at least 6 carats.
Red coral should not be worn along with emerald, diamond, blue sapphire, gomedh and cat’s eye.
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