
Showing posts from May, 2024

"Kangana Ranaut vs. Political Royalty: Who Will Win the Election 2024 ?"


"12th House Lord in Different Houses Results" - Basic Decoded "12th House Lord in Different Houses Results" - Basic Decoded- Astro George Cherpanathan Hello, astrology enthusiasts! Welcome to Simply Astrology, your trusted source for in-depth astrological knowledge. I'm Astro George Cherpanathan, and today we're diving into an intriguing topic: the results of the 12th house lord placed in different houses of the birth chart. The 12th house, often referred to as the Vyaya Bhava, is associated with aspects such as expenses, losses, isolation, and spiritual liberation. It represents the subconscious mind, hidden talents, and the journey beyond the material realm. The placement of the 12th house lord in various houses can reveal a lot about how these themes manifest in one's life. In this video, we'll explore the impact of the 12th house lord in each house, providing you with insights into how these placements influence your life, from financial matters to spiritual growth. Whether you're

"How to Read a Birth Chart: The Art of Predictions | Basic Tips for Beginners.

Image Welcome to Simply Astrology, your ultimate guide to unlocking the mysteries of the stars! I'm Astro George Cherpanathan, and today we're embarking on a foundational journey: learning how to read a birth chart and mastering the art of predictions. As an astrologer and online tutor, I understand the importance of grasping the basics before diving into more complex astrological interpretations. In this video, we'll cover essential tips and techniques to help you read a birth chart with confidence. Whether you're a budding astrologer or just curious about what your birth chart reveals, this session will equip you with the knowledge you need to start making accurate predictions. We'll explore key elements such as planetary placements, house significations, and the interactions between various celestial bodies. By the end of this video, you'll have a solid understanding of how to interpret a birth chart and make insightful predictions. Joi