Safed Chandan Mala / White Sandal wood for RAHU Planet- How to wear Dos & Don'ts
Safed Chandan Mala / White Sandal wood for RAHU Planet- How to wear Dos & Don'ts DESCRIPTION Safed chandan mala is a virtuous Mala that has soothing & calming effects on the wearer. In Vedas also, this Mala is highly regarded and recommended to gain knowledge & wisdom. It has health benefits also, thus, is used to calm common fever, anxieties, insomnia, blood pressure, and migraine, etc. It is a treasure of virtues that are apparent to the wearer. Safed chandan mala is a virtuous Mala that has soothing & calming effects on the wearer. In Vedas also, this Mala is highly regarded and recommended to gain knowledge & wisdom. It has health benefits also, thus, is used to calm common f...