
Number 5

Number 5 Changing and rotating Uneasy Restless, nervous Fast chain of thoughts Fast money Impulsive Daring Lively, quick witted Easy to establish contact Seeking for progress “The born salesman” Unrestrained Vigorous The Number "5"     The number 5 stands in symbolism for the Planet Mercury, and is versatile and mercurial in all its characteristics. Number 5 people are all those who are born on the 5th, 14th, and 23rd in any month, but their characteristics are still more marked if they are born in what is called the "period of the 5," which is from the 21st May to June 20th-27th, and from the 21st August to September 20th 27th. Let us learn about the Qualities of Number 5 People. Qualities of Number "5"    people General Characteristics Number 5 people make friends easily and get on with persons born under almost any other number, but their best friends are those who are born under their own number, such as the 5th, 14th, and 23rd of any ...

Number 3

Number 3 Ambitious Willful Determined, stamina Dictatorial, powerful Perfectionist Pokerfaced Highly promoted Independent Management qualities Snobbish Hates defeat Cold, conservative Protection shield Efficient, dynamic The Number "3"     The number 3 stands in symbolism for the Planet Jupiter, a Planet which plays a most important role both in Astrology and in all systems of Numerology. It is the beginning of what may be termed one of the main lines of force that runs right through all the numbers from 3 to 9. It has a special relation to every third in the series, such as 3, 6, 9, and all their additions. These numbers added together in any direction produce a 9 as their final digit, and the 3, 6, 9 people are all sympathetic to one another. Persons having a 3 for their Birth number are all those who are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th in any month, but the number 3 has still more significance if they should be born in what is called the" p...

Number 2

Number 2 Artistic, imaginative Creative, painting, writing, acting and singing Lively and colorful Entertainer Enjoyment, harmony Romantic Sensitive, melancholic Friendly Happy Restless, confused Wondering, flighty Compassionate, sympathetic insight Changeable The Number "2"     The number 2 stands in symbolism for the Moon. It has the feminine attributes of the Sun, and, for this reason alone, although number I and number 2 people are decidedly opposite in their characters, their vibrations are harmonious and they make good combinations. Number 2 people are all those who are born on the 2nd, nth, 20th, or 29th in any month, but their characteristics are the more marked if they are born between the 20th June and the 27th July, this period being what is called the "House of the Moon." I have added the seven days of the "Cusp" to the 20th July. Number 2 persons and number I vibrate together, and in a lesser degree with number 7 peopl...

Characteristics about People born on Number 1 dates

Number 1 Egocentric Winner instinct/praise   Perfectionist Positive, optimist Distinctive, determined Stubborn, seem arrogant Ambitious Lucky Management qualities Little lazy Enterprising, starter Creative, imaginative Proud, honor Will power Creative in work Vitality Need for freedom The Number "1"     The number one "1" stands in this symbolism for the Sun. It is the beginning-that by which all the rest of the nine numbers were created. The basis of all numbers is one-the basis of all life is one.  This number represents all that is creative, individual, and positive . Without going into further details, a person born under the Birth number of I, or any of its series, has the underlying principles of being in his or her work creative, inventive, strongly individual, definite in his or her views, and in consequence more or less obstinate and determined in all they as individuals undertake. This relates to all men and women born under the number...

Birthstone List

Birthstone List The following Birthstone list provides a fast, at-a-glance guide about each of the appropriate months, dates and information about individual birthstones   together with a list of birth stone colors   and birth month flowers for each month. A list of birthstones for each month   . Birthstone List Month Birthstone Birth Flower   Zodiac Sign Dates of Zodiac Signs April Diamond Sweet Pea or Daisy Aries March 21 – April 19 May Emerald   Lily of the Valley Taurus April 20 – May 20 June Pearl Rose Gemini May 21 – June 20 July Ruby Larkspur or Water Lily Cancer June 21 – July 22 August Peridot Gladiolus or Poppy Leo July 23 – August 23 September Sapphire Aster or Morning Glory Virgo August 24 – September 2...

Manu Smiriti Chapter 1

Chapter 1 1.1. The great sages approached Manu, who was seated with a collected mind, and, having duly worshiped him, spoke as follows: 1.2. ’Deign, divine one, to declare to us precisely and in due order the sacred laws of each of the (four chief) castes (varna) and of the intermediate ones. 1.3. ’For thou, O Lord, alone knowest the  purport, (i.e.) the rites, and the knowledge of the soul, (taught) in this whole ordinance of the Self-existent (Svayambhu), which is unknowable and unfathomable.’ 1.4. He, whose power is measureless, being thus asked by the high-minded great sages, duly honoured them, and answered, ’Listen!’ 1.5. This (universe) existed in the shape of Darkness, unperceived, destitute of distinctive marks, unattainable by reasoning, unknowable, wholly immersed, as it were, in deep sleep. 1.6. Then the divine Self-existent (Svayambhu, himself) indiscernible, (but) making (all) this, the great elements and the rest, discernib...